Festival Time is Here!

After another year of planning, it’s time.  This weekend is the York County BBQ Festival, 16 & 17 June, in Delta PA.  Please come by this weekend and enjoy the local community, our vendors, the bands, the BBQ and more.

The festival starts Friday at 5 pm and on Saturday at 11pm.   Come join us at the Peach Bottom Township Community Center, 5 Pendyrus St. Delta PA.

Entertainment Schedule Release

Hey everyone!  We’re getting excited for this year’s festival.  We’re just one month away.  We’ve released the Music schedule for this year’s event and we can’t wait to see these great bands perform!

We’re adding a new event!

York County BBQ Festival is adding a new competition this year, the SCA Appetizer Challenge.  Think you have a good appetizer recipe to show off?  Then come join us on Friday, 16 June and compete against Professional and Backyard cooks.  Entry is just $25.  To enter, just fill out the competition  application form here.